Provisional program

Colloque AllEnvi--Pre-IUCN-

September 1-2-3  2021, Marseille (France)

Place: to be confirmed

COVID-19 sanitary pass required


Hybrid Conference: Presential (City center Vieux Port - 2, rue Henri Barbusse, 13001 Marseille) / Visioconference / Streaming

In blue: speakers by visioconference

September 1st, 2021

13h00-13h45: Participants Welcome

13h45-14h00: Introduction to the Conference by:

  • Eric Berton, Président of Aix-Marseille University (AMU).
  • François Houllier, President of the national Alliance for research on the Environment (AllEnvi).

14h00-18h00:  Evolutionary context of biodiversity conservation strategies
Moderators: François Sarrazin, Jane Lecomte & Franck Courchamp

The evolution of species and their interactions should be better integrated into conservation goals and actions. How can social ecosystems restore and respect the evolutionary potential of their constituent organisms, human and non-human? How can micro and macroevolution inform ethical issues and conservation practices in their many dimensions: conservation and restoration of states or processes, species translocation, tipping points and evolution, loss of niches, invasive species, ‘free evolution’, evolutionary consequences of ecosystem service approaches, etc.

  • 14h00-14h15: Introduction to the session: Jane Lecomte (ESE, Orsay), François Sarrazin (CESCO & FRB, Paris) and Franck Courchamp (ESE, Orsay).
  • 14h15-15h00: Keynote speaker: Peter Sogaard Jorgensen (Global Economic Dynamics and the Biosphere, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm): Taking evolution into account for the governance of socio-ecosystems.
  • 15h00-15h20: Emmanuelle Porcher (CESCO, Paris): Macroevolution and conservation.
  • 15h20-15h40: Anne Charmantier (CEFE, Montpellier): Darwinian evolution of urban biodiversity.
  • 15h40-16h00: Tatiana Giraud (ESE, Orsay): Evolution and importance of biodiversity in domesticated organisms.
  • 16h00-16h20: Emmanuel Milot (Univ. Trois Rivière, Montréal): Evolutionary potential or evolutionary no future?

16h20-16h40 : Break

  • 16h40-18h00: Round Table animated by Yves Sciama (VP of The French Association of Science Journalists) with the participation of Jane Lecomte, Franck Courchamp, Francois Sarrazin: The importance of evolution in conservation strategies and action.


September 2nd, 2021

 8h30-9h00: Welcome of participants


9h00-13h00: Diversity of types of anthropization and their effects on conservation
Moderators: Dominique Pelletier (EMH, Nantes) & Sébastien Barot (IEES, Paris).

All over the planet and in all ecosystems, biodiversity is facing many human pressures varying in time and space but that are often intense. They may be direct (human activities) or indirect (climate change) but have become so overwhelming that they justify the neologism “Anthropocene”. Nevertheless, different modes of development and anthropization lead to very different pressures and consequences for biodiversity.

This session will illustrate through various examples the diversity of these pressures and their effects on ecosystems and the feedbacks to human populations that depend on these ecosystems. We will also present scientific results about the various approaches to manage ecosystems and biodiversity and to mitigate or compensate for the negative impacts of human pressures.

  • 9h00-9h15: Introduction to the session: Dominique Pelletier & Sébastien Barot
  • 9h15-9h30: Nathalie Machon (CESCO, Paris): How to make the cities more biodiverse?
  • 9h30-9h45: Benjamin Roche (MIVEGEC, Montpellier): How can we envision integrative strategies between biodiversity conservation and zoonotic risk reduction?
  • 9h45-10h00: Olivier Barrière (Espace Dev, Montpellier): Preserving by shifting the ontology of the human/non-human relationship, the link of viability.
  • 10h00-10h15: Didier Genin (LEPD, Marseille): Rural forests: Another vision of forest management for other conservation schemes?

10h15-10h30: Break

  • 10h30-10h45: Emma Michaud (LEMAR, Brest): Benthic biodiversity and ecosystems functioning in low human-impacted mangroves under Amazon influence.
  • 10h45-11h00: Hervé Fritz (IRL REHABS, CNRS - Université Lyon 1 - Nelson Mandela University): Mammal diversity in production landscapes outside conservation areas: insights from African protected areas.
  • 11h00-11h15: Joachim Claudet (CRIOBE, Moorea, Perpignan, Paris): One Planet, One Ocean: what is at stake for the decade to come?
  • 11h15-11h30: François Galgani (LER/PAC, Corsica): Plastic pollution and related conservation issues.
  • 11h30-12h30: Round Table animated by Yves Sciama (science journalist) with the participation of Dominique Pelletier, Sébastien Barot, François Galgani & Sandrine Paillard (Future Earth, Paris)

12h30-14h00: Buffet at ‘City center Vieux Port ’

14h00-18h00: Relations Climate/Biodiversity and adaptation (individuals and societies)
Moderators: Catherine Fernandez (IMBE, Marseille), David Giron (IRBI, Tours), & Martine Hossaert (INEE-CNRS).

The recent convergent efforts of the IPCC and the IPBES to bring the two communities of experts closer together now provide a favorable context for integrating climate and biodiversity issues and the many feedback loops that exist between them. This session will examine the links between climate, biodiversity conservation and adaptation of individuals and societies. The establishment of relationships between climate and biodiversity scenarios, the articulation of the spatio-temporal scales used by the two communities, as well as the interconnection between (micro)climate and ecophysiology of organisms, will all be themes illustrating the rapprochement of the climate and biodiversity communities, their thematic and methodological convergences as well as the remaining bottlenecks that remain. In the light of this work, a round table will examine the reality of conservation biology in a changing climate environment and our ability to translate knowledge into action.


  • 14h00-15h00: Keynote speakers:
    • Camille Parmesan (SETE, Moulis): Maximizing both Biodiversity and Climate Change goals: Key messages from the IPBES-IPCC joint report on Biodiversity and Climate Change.
    • Wolfgang Cramer (IMBE, Marseille): High vulnerabilities due to climate change and biodiversity loss in the Mediterranean Basin - challenges for mitigation and adaptation (the MedECC assessment).
  • 15h00-15h15: David Renault (Ecobio, Rennes): Assessing and mitigating the effects of climate change and biological invasions on the biodiversity of polar and alpine environments.
  • 15h15-15h30: Xavier Morin (CEFE, Montpellier): Forests between adaptation and mitigation: impact of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.
  • 15h30-15h45: François Lefèvre (URFM, Avignon): Conservation of forest genetic resources and forest adaptation to climate change.

15H45-16h00 Break

  • 16h00-16h15: Laetitia Hédouin (CRIOBE, Moorea, Perpignan, Paris): Impacts of climate change on coral reefs: from monitoring to human interventions, which actions for the future?
  • 16h15-16h30: Sylvain Pincebourde (IRBI, Tours): Microclimates modulate climate change responses and vulnerabilities.
  • 16h30-16h45: Elena Ormeño Lafuente(IMBE, Marseille), Magali Proffit (CEFE, Montpellier), Henri Wortham (LCE, Marseille): Effect of climate change on volatile signals and their consequences for species interaction.s
  • 16h45-17h00: Yorick Reyjol, Marianne Debue, Joseph Langridge and Romain Sordello (PatriNat, OFB, CNRS, MNHN, Paris): Connecting environmental managers to global warming issues; insights from two Life project: Natur'Adapt and Adapto.
  • 17h00-18h00 Round Table animated by Yves Sciama (science journalist): From theory to action; how to do conservation in a changing climate environment.
    Participants :  Camille Parmesan, Wolfgang Cramer, Céline Couderc-Obert (Chef mission biodiversité, santé, activités anthropiques, MTE), Guillaume Gigot (OFB), Nadir Alvarez (Museum d’Histoire Naturelle de Genève)

18h30-19h15: Break with refreshments at ‘City center Vieux Port ’

19h15-20h00: Visio conference of Serge Morand (Thailand, CNRS-CIRAD) Biodiversity, ecosystem health and conservation.


September 3th 2021

8h30-9h00: Welcome of participants                                                                                             

9h00-12h30: Ethical issues in conservation: environmental justice and ecological effectiveness.
Moderators: Rémi Beau (IEES, Paris) & Virginie Maris (CEFE, Montpellier).

Over the past three decades, biodiversity conservation has broadened from nature preservation to more "people-friendly" approaches. However, these approaches that integrate both conservation and development objectives have not necessarily benefited local people. We need to move from approaches that promote economic development to approaches that work for social justice. This shift is prominent in international environmental agreements and biodiversity conservation organizations and requires the support of an intense research effort. This session will discuss how issues of justice are operationalized in conservation: (a) How do different conceptualizations of justice and equity influence conservation governance? (b) To what extent and through what mechanisms does the integration of social objectives into conservation governance influence conservation effectiveness?

  • 9h00-10h00: Keynote speakers:
    • Ricardo Rozzi (University of North Texas, USA): A biocultural ethic to overcome taxonomic chauvinism in conservation.
    • Tanya Brodie Rudolph (Centre for Sustainability Transitions, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa): Turning points in the complex maze of just and equitable conservation in the Anthropocene.
  • 10h-10h20: Yildiz Aumeeruddy-Thomas (CEFE, Montpellier): Practices and multiple values of indigenous peoples and local communities related to nature, at the heart of biodiversity conservation issues.
  • 10h20-10h40: Chloé Guerbois (IRL REHABS, CNRS - Université Lyon 1 - Nelson Mandela University): Nurturing a “culture of respect”, an indigenous vision for biosphere-based sustainability.

10H40-11h00 Break

  • 11h00-11h20: Valérie Deldrève (EADT & ETBX, Bordeaux): Conflicts between conservation and equity? The case of national parks of La Reunion Island, the Calanques (Marseille) and Port Cros Island.
  • 11h20-11h40: Raphaël Mathevet (CEFE, Montpellier): Environmental justice, baseline Shifting and biodiversity conservation : the case study of the Camargue Biosphere Reserve (Rhone delta).
  • 11h40-12h40: Round Table animated by Yves Sciama (science journalist) with the participation of Virginie Maris (CEFE), Rémi Beau (IEES), Audrey Corot (OFB), & Jean Jalbert (directeur du la Tour du Valat).

 12h40-14h00: Buffet at ‘City center Vieux Port ’

  • 14h00-15h30: Round Table animated by Yves Sciama (science journalist) and Franck Courchamp: The place of research in conservation in the post-Covid world.

This round table will be opened by two five-minute presentations by:

  • Jessica K. Slattery, officer responsible for environment, climate, and energy issues at the US Ambassy in Paris.
  • Edouard Fritch, President of French Polynesia or the Minister of Environment, Heremoana Maamaatuaiahutapu.

Some references:


17h00: Beginning of the IUCN Congress


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